Loewy was awarded the Croix de Guerre medal for his service in the First World War#In 1949 Loewy became the first designer to appear on the cover of Time magazine#Loewy went to America in the only clothes he owned: his captain's uniform with the rosette of the Legion of Honor in his buttonhole#Loewy's curvy Coca-Cola bottle of 1949 is the brand's enduring image and a drawing of it appears nowadays on Coke cans#Loewy had a crusading zeal for improving the appearance of things. President Kennedy, whose office he had helped to furnish, once asked him what else he could do. "Well, let's redesign America," replied Loewy#When the young Loewy was asked to redesign the Gestetner duplicating machine he bought 50lb of clay, stocked up on food, and worked without sleep for the next 72 hours on a design that was used for 28 years#Loewy's design for rust-free refrigerator shelves won him first prize at the 1931 Paris Exhibition#The Skylab was the biggest project Loewy ever worked on, the smallest was probably a lipstick tube#"Good design," said Loewy, "keeps the user happy, the manufacturer in the black and the aesthete unoffended"#At the end of his career Loewy designed a double-ended tractor for use on the Russian steppes